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Spring CBC meeting summary

Dear All,

This weekend's CBC meeting here in Southern Pines went very well.  We had
140 registrants between Thursday and Saturday.  Our last minute guest, David
Sibley, delighted everybody with his appearance at Weymouth Woods State
Nature Preserve on Friday afternoon. Both of our evening speakers, Scott
Hartley and Pete Campbell, were highly informative and complimented the
daytime trips and programs nicely.

Participants enjoyed 26 field trips around the area and found 133 species of
birds. Folks had good looks at a variety of birds that included local
breeders as well as spring migrants.  Most of our target species such as
Mississippi Kite, Grasshopper Sparrow, Lark Sparrow, and Bachman's Sparrow
were successfully located.  Unfortunately the Swainson's Warblers singing on
territories were very difficult to see.  On the other hand, Red-cockaded
Woodpeckers, being busy with eggs and young, were quite visible around their
cavity trees.  One field trip was even lucky enough to see the first
nestlings of the season being banded on the Sandhills Gamelands. Although no
major rarities were located, we enjoyed a wonderful diversity of species.
The full bird species list will be posted on the CBC web site within the
next week.  In addition, butterfliers found 22 species of butterflies around
Weymouth Woods. A few folks were even lucky enough to spot Fox Squirrels.

Many thanks to the field trip leaders and local biologists that made the
meeting such a success.  The park staff at Weymouth Woods worked especially
long and hard to accommodate many of the activities.  I am also very
grateful to members of the Moore County Bird Club for their help with
logistics as well as hospitality.  Hopefully it will not be another 18 years
before the club returns to Southern Pines!

**Mark your calendars:  the Fall CBC meeting will be held at Santee, SC on
the weekend of September 21-23, 2001.

Susan Campbell
Whispering Pines, NC