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Fun at CBC


It was another fun CBC weekend, this time in Southern Pines, NC. THANK
YOU SUSAN for organizing a great weekend!!

Joe and I arrived Thursday night to take advantage of an early Friday
field trip to Camp McKall. Alan led a group of around 25 birders on the
back of a trailer through the Sandhill region of Ft. Bragg. We heard
several Bachman's Sparrows, but didn't get the scope look at one like
the Saturday group. A few of us had a quick look at a Lark Sparrow. As
usual, we didn't see all of the birds who were singing their beautiful
songs, but we had wonderful looks at Indigo Bunting, Blue Grosbeak,
Great-creasted Flycatcher, Orchard Oriole, Eastern Kingbird, and Prairie
Warbler. We couldn't talk a Chat into making an appearance for us, even
though it was hidden right in front of us. It was a special treat to see
Red-cockaded Woodpeckers, plus adorable Red-headed Woodpeckers.

Friday afternoon was special for two reasons--meeting the wonderfully,
talented David Sibley, and watching Susan band a Ruby-throated
Hummingbird. I hung around the table where David was signing books, so I
had the chance to talk and ask questions. It was fun to hear him talk
about birding experiences and watch as he drew a picture of a Painted
Bunting in 9 year old Michael's book. Gosh, I wish I had started birding
at a young age! Susan has a special touch to be able to band the tiny
Ruby-throat, especially with at least 20 birders and a photographer
watching her!

Saturday morning Susan led a group to Woodlake, a private community.
More great looks at Blue Grosbeak and Indigo Bunting, plus Northern
Parula and Common Yellowthroat. No one was more surprised than Susan,
when a Yellow-crowned Night Heron flew over just as we were all looking
at the right time.

After a yummy lunch buffet at the Pinehurst Resort, Joe and I drove
south to Laurinburg to see the Mississippi Kite soaring over the
Presbyterian Church. On our way back to Southern Pines, we checked out a
spot we had been to the day before, just before the entrance to Camp
McKall. I wanted to see the Prothonotary Warbler we had heard. We were
happy to watch a pair, and thrilled when two bright yellow Prothonatary
Warblers landed on the bridge railing next to us after Joe pished! We
were also treated to my other favorite warbler, American Redstart, along
with Yellow-throated Vireo and Yellow-throated Warbler.

Thank you Len for being a great CBC President and congratulations to Van
for becoming our new President!

Sunday on our way home to Raleigh, we birded at Raven Rock SP. The
Mountain Laurel was in full bloom. An Ovenbird greeted us at the
entrance to the trail, singing and looking for food along the ground and
bushes. Finally had great looks at Red-eyed and White-eyed Vireos after
hearing them all weekend. Saw a pair of Scarlet Tanagers, an adorable
Hooded Warbler, (okay, I've noticed I use adorable a lot when describing
birds!), Acadian Flycatcher, and heard a Wood Thrush singing, among

Looking forward to Santee in September since we've changed our vacation
plans. After reading about Newfoundland in the latest "Winging It"
newsletter, we've decided we go this summer. Mike, you've tried to talk
me into pelagic birding in NC, so I was happy to read we can see pelagic
birds from land!! If anyone has been there, write to me personally if
you have tips on birding or accomodations.

Have fun counting birds on Internationl Migratory Bird Day May 12th.

Happy spring birding! Karen Bearden
Raleigh, NC