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Re: cedar waxwings

There was also a flock in downtown Durham - Main Street near the courthouse -
on Tuesday when I was there for jury duty.  I was quite surprised to still see
them around, especially there!

Amalie Tuffin
Durham, NC

"Stephen J. Perry" wrote:

> >had a flock of waxwings in my trees Mon morning.  this is in Hillsborough
> >barb brooks  brooksba@mindspring.com
> Hi,
> I saw a flock of about 20 as I left the gym near Erwin Road, Durham,
> last night. Not that I want to see the last of these beauties, but
> when can we expect them to have left for the summer? Do some remain
> in the Triangle area to breed?
> --
> Steve Perry
> Receptor Biology Lab, Duke Uni Med Center, Durham, NC
> stevep@receptor-biol.duke.edu