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Ivory-billed Woodpecker

C' Birders,
There is an interesting, and well-written, article in this week's New
Yorker Magazine (May 14) about the Ivory-billed.

The piece, entitled "The Ghost Bird", chronicles the reported sighting
in  April 1999 by a young forestry student in a Louisiana swamp. It goes
on to describe the attempt of the author, Jonathan Rosen, to replicate
the sighting  with the student in October of last year.

In addtion, the article provides a great deal of  background information
about the species and the ornithologists who studied it. For example,
the great early American ornithologist, Alexander Wilson, shot and
captured his Ivorybill in Wilmington, NC!

Most libraries will have a copy of the magazine on file.

Tom Joyce
Brevard, NC