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Tanagers & Red-morph female Summer Tanager?

This year I seem to have a few more Summer Tanagers around the yard.  Have 
seen a female that is the normal mustardy color, an adult male, who was 
singing non-stop a few weeks ago, a first spring male,and what I think might 
be a red-morph female.  

Have seen the last 2 quite often on my suet cage that hangs on a pole with 
the other feeders.  They seemed to have mastered it, and really seem to be 
enjoying the orange suet cake.

The one that I think is the red-morph female has a red tail and red upper and 
undertail coverts, but the rest of the body, including the head seems to have 
a red wash over the normal mustard female coloring.

The first spring male is more blotchy, and his head is definitely redder, 
with the wings still holding the imm. coloring.  Just wondering how often 
these females, if indeed that's what it is, occur?  I've never seen one 

Also watched a beautiful bright male Scarlet Tanager close by the house as I 
was refilling my Hummer feeders.  Saw the female in some dry grasses from las
t year.  I think she was gathering nesting material.

The Rose-breasted Grosbeaks left Fri. PM after a 3-day stay.  Got to hear the 
male singing quite often, had 2 males and 2 females for one of the days. 

Shelley Theye

Shelley Theye
N. Chatham County, NC