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Mississippi Kites at Sanderling, NC

After we studied the Olive-sided Flycatcher at Duck very closely for about
30 minutes, Bob Holmes, Larry Crawford, and I drove up to the observation
deck at the Currituck/Dare counties line (just N of Sanderling).  This
observation deck overlooks the Currituck Sound and is located within the
Pine Island Sanctuary (if that is what it still is).  We were hoping that
lightning would strike twice and we would see a White-tailed Kite.

We checked the skies for about one hour, about 2pm to 3pm.  During this
time, we had 2 southbound Mississippi Kites (both 1-yr birds).  Also spotted
1 immature Bald Eagle, 1 Red-tailed Hawk, and 1 Red-shouldered Hawk.

                                               John Fussell
                                               Morehead Ctiy, NC