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Re: Fewer Bluebirds

In the Triangle, the bluebird population appears to be doing well. My
observation is based purely on the conversations with customers to our shops
in Raleigh & Durham. Yesterday, I spoke with a woman living in what is
termed 'inside the beltline' of Raleigh. She has a clutch of BB's in her
yard for the first time ever. She has been feeding them meal worms and they
have 5 in the nest. For those familiar with Raleigh, BB's generally have
stayed out of this area since it has little open space. This was about the
5th report of BB activity in the 'city' this year.

Ted Zoller
Raleigh / Durham

From: "Reece Mitchell" <rmitche2@tds.net>

> Has any else noticed fewer Eastern Bluebirds this spring?
> I have monitored a trail of 20-24 houses for the past nine years. Total
> fledglings have ranged from 37 to 84 per year. Unless something changes
> this promises to be the poorest year yet. The problem seems to be fewer
> adults available for nesting.
>                                                  Reece
> Reece 'n Judy Mitchell
> Flat Rock, NC
> rmitche2@tds.net