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Anilorac Farm Dickcissel, W. Vireos- feeding hatchlings

Hi Everyone,    
    Lee Van Malssen and I went to Anilorac Farm, NW Orange County, this AM.  
Saw the male Dickcissel immediately up on the same wire as last time, singing 
and singing.  Sure hope a female finds him, I think he'd like to stay here!  
Seems to prefer the wire just west of the farm on both sides of the road, and 
was also on the diagonal guide wires by 2 power poles.  I looked at the 
yellow breast again, and still think it's more extensive than in the guide 
pictures, but I think that this is partially due to the fact that the sides 
of the belly are creamy rather than white, so contrasts less with the yellow 
of the upper breast than white would.  
    Grassshopper Sparrows were singing in same locale, got to watch a singing 
male for a bit.
    Found the Warbling Vireo nest in front of the farm house.  Saw an adult 
in the tree looking for food and then, as I had my scope on the nest waiting 
for the adult to return, I saw the yellow bill of a nestling and then a wide 
gaping mouth!! Saw the parent return and feed that one and looked like she 
fed another that I couldn't see.  Not sure how many birds are in the nest.  
    Got to bird a little with Ginger Travis, and meet Edith Tatum and also 
Amalie Tuffin.
    This AM at home an Acadian Flycatcher hit the window.  As I went outside 
to see if it was OK, it immediately opened it's bill and began "panting", and 
seemed extremely upset.  I quickly went back inside because I thought it 
might die just from fear.  I looked through the window to make sure nothing 
apparent was wrong, like a droopy wing...looked OK, so just spied on it and 
in a 1/2 hour or so it flew into a tree, bobbed it's tail a few times, then 
flew off very well, yeah!

Shelley Theye

Shelley Theye
North Chatham County, NC