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HBSP on june 3

Hi Carolinabirders,
	This morning Paul Rogers and I birded at Huntington Beach S.P.Murrell's
Inlet, Georgetown County, SC.  We only visited the jetty area.  As expected
there were few shorebirds around. Pleasant day with temps in the low 80's
and a nice southerly breeze.  36 species.  As a comment I would like to say
this was the worst spring shorebird migration at Huntington in my nine
years of birding there.

Brown Pelican-7
Great Blue Heron-1
Great Egret-5
Snowy Egret-5
Tricolored Heron-2
White Ibis-10
Turkey Vulture-1
Black-bellied Plover-10
Wilson's Plover-4
Semipalmated Plover-8
Black-necked Stilt-1 on the island in Mullet Pond
Ruddy Turnstone-15 
Dunlin-1 in secondary pond behind jetty pond. In bright breeding plumage.
dark legged "peep"-2
Laughing Gull-15
Ring-billed Gull-1
Caspian Tern-1 Amazing how this one downed a large fish whole.
Royal Tern-6
medium sized orange billed terns-6 too distant to confirm id.
Least Tern-32
Mourning Dove-1
Yellow-billed Cuckoo-1
E. Kingbird-1 They are nesting again this year in a tree near the camp office.
Fish Crow-4
Tufted Titmouse-1 heard only on way in
Carolina Wren-2 heard only
N. Mockingbird-2
Brown Thrasher-1
European Starling-2
Painted Bunting-1 heard only from behind new nature center
Boat-tailed Grackle-8
Common Grackle-2
Brown-headed Cowbird-1 male
House Finch-2

Fair birding, good company


Jack Peachey
Conway, SC