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Frank's last gasp

Hi Carolinabirders,

Just heard from the infamous Frank Rheindt that he's taking one last pass 
through Durham before returning to Germany. He'll be here August 22-25. 
He's asked for help in finding a few birds that he hasn't seen yet. He 
would like to SEE, not just hear, Great Horned Owl, Whip-poor-will, and 
Chuck-will's Widow, as well as Black and King Rail. He'd also like to see 
a Mississippi Kite. Anybody with any ideas can e-mail Frank at 
<formicarius@hotmail.com>, or send tips to me and I'll share them with 
him. I have no idea if he'll have transportation when he's here, or if 
he'll be looking for rides; I can give him some, and anyone else who 
offers him a ride will surely be regaled with great birding stories from 
his summer in Peru...

BTW, thanks to the several people who corrected me. The bird introduced 
by the Shakespeare groupie was the Eurasian Starling, not the House 
Sparrow. It's still greatly amusing (frightening) that anyone got the 
idea that House Sparrows would control insect outbreaks. I'm still trying 
to rediscover the quote on the topic, which I believe was from Coues...

Good birding,


Joshua S. Rose
Duke University
Department of Biology (Zoology, R.I.P.)
