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Help needed, Bald Eagle, pelagic trip


Because of my involvement with Wake Audubon's "A Birdwatcher's Guide to
the Triangle," I'm helping to produce a new birdbook entitled "Birding
in North Carolina State Parks" with the NC Division of Parks and
Recreation. The book will follow the same format as the Triangle book.
I've received articles from most of the parks, but I'm still missing a

I'm hoping some of you can help fill in the gaps with:
Lumber River
Singletary Lake
Jones Lake
Lake Wacamaw
Stone Mountain

If you aren't able to write an article with a full description, I'd
appreciate any birding information you know, so I can pull it together
for an article. I know most of these aren't "birdy" parks, but we want
all parks to be included.

Contact me at chickadeebirders@earthlink.net. Thanks for your help!

By the way, Joe and I recently returned from a three week birding
vacation to Maine and New Brunswick. Two of the most numerous birds we
saw were American Goldfinch and Cedar Waxwing. It was great to flocks of
them wherever we went. To tie this in with the Carolina's, I have a
question: Are you seeing more goldfinch this year in your area? We have
lots more, talkative and active at the feeders and water. It's been a
treat to see goldfinch drinking water from the ant trap above the
hummingbird feeder. Just the right size for them I guess!

We took our first ever pelagic trip in Maine to the famous Machias Seal
Island. Five hours on a boat was plenty for me! Razorbill and three
shearwaters were lifers. Sorry Mike, we decided we aren't ready for a
trip off of NC yet!!

Back home in Raleigh last week, I heard a familiar call while I was in
the kitchen. After thinking about it, I realized it was a Bald Eagle. I
rushed outside with my binocs to see an immature eagle calling while
soaring over the neighborhood. We live about 9 miles south of Falls Lake
and 5 miles from Umstead SP. Don't know if it was a migrant or a local
bird. Pretty cool bird to add to the yard list though!!

Happy birding! Karen Bearden
Raleigh, NC