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Congaree Bluff and Orangeburg Sod Farms, SC

Hi C-birders,

I was pushing my current limited stamina a bit, but I managed to get in some
birding both Saturday (25 Aug 2001) and Sunday (26 Aug 2001).

On Saturday I spent most of the day at the new Congaree Bluff Heritage
Preserve, Calhoun County, SC, arriving before dawn and staying until the
early afternoon. The hawk watching was a bit slow, but I did manage to get
17 Mississippi Kites and my first Northern Harrier of the fall. My best
birds were heard before dawn -- nocturnal flight notes from a couple of
Veeries. The thrush migration has begun! For more on the Congaree Bluff HP
and hawk watch, check out www.columbia-audubon.org.

On Sunday afternoon Caroline Eastman and I met about a dozen members and
guests of the Columbia Audubon Society for our annual late August tour of
the Orangeburg sod farm and the adjacent industrial park, Orangeburg County,
SC. Today was hot and dry, but we did find about 7 Upland Sandpipers and a
few Pectoral Sandpipers.

Here are my day lists for these areas --

Congaree Bluff Heritage Preserve, Calhoun County, SC, 25 Aug 2001

Great Blue Heron -- 1
Wood Stork -- 1
Black Vulture -- 10
Turkey Vulture -- 10
Osprey -- 1
Mississippi Kite -- 17
Northern Harrier -- 1
Red-shouldered Hawk -- 3
Broad-winged Hawk -- 2
Mourning Dove -- 50
Yellow-billed Cuckoo -- 12
Eastern Screech-Owl -- 1
Great Horned Owl -- 1
Barred Owl -- 12
Whip-poor-will -- 2
Chimney Swift -- 100
Ruby-throated Hummingbird -- 1
Red-bellied Woodpecker -- 8
Downy Woodpecker -- 2
Hairy Woodpecker -- 1
Northern Flicker -- 1
Pileated Woodpecker -- 6
Eastern Wood-Pewee -- 1
Acadian Flycatcher -- 3
Great Crested Flycatcher -- 1
Eastern Kingbird -- 8
White-eyed Vireo -- 12
Red-eyed Vireo -- 2
Blue Jay -- 5
American Crow -- 10
Fish Crow -- 4
Carolina Chickadee -- 12
Tufted Titmouse -- 8
Carolina Wren -- 10
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher -- 3
Eastern Bluebird -- 3
Veery -- 2
Northern Parula -- 6
Prothonotary Warbler -- 1
Swainson's Warbler -- 1
Hooded Warbler -- 3
Summer Tanager -- 2
Northern Cardinal -- 15
Blue Grosbeak -- 1
Indigo Bunting -- 15
American Goldfinch -- 5

Orangeburg sod farms and industrial park, Orangeburg County, SC, 26 Aug 2001

Great Blue Heron -- 1
Little Blue Heron -- 1
Turkey Vulture -- 5
American Kestrel -- 3
Killdeer -- 50
Upland Sandpiper -- 7
Pectoral Sandpiper -- 6
Mourning Dove -- 100
Ruby-throated Hummingbird -- 1
Eastern Kingbird -- 1
Blue Jay -- 4
American Crow -- 20
Horned Lark -- 2
Tree Swallow -- 4
Bank Swallow -- 50
Barn Swallow -- 25
Carolina Wren -- 3
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher -- 1
Eastern Bluebird -- 6
Northern Mockingbird -- 1
European Starling -- 10
Eastern Towhee -- 1
Field Sparrow -- 1
Northern Cardinal -- 3
Blue Grosbeak -- 2
Eastern Meadowlark -- 4
American Goldfinch -- 1

These are both areas that we visit during the Carolina Bird Club meeting at
Santee, SC next month. I hope to see you there!

Robin Carter
Columbia, SC