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Evergreen Woods, Charlotte, 9/2/01

Migration is in full swing in Charlotte.  This morning we saw:

Yellow-billed Cuckoo (very cooperative, not a breeder here this summer)
Baltimore Oriole (flock)
Chestnut-sided Warbler (3)
Redstart (adult male)
Magnolia Warbler
Palm Warbler
Prairie Warbler
Empid Flycatcher

Local breeders included

Pine Warbler
Coopers Hawk
Green Heron
Brown-headed Nuthatch
RT Hummingbird (lots)

Total of 31 species in 2 hours.

For directions to Evergreen go to WWW.Meckbirds.org then click on Local 
Birding.  Evergreen Woods is #4 on the map.

Louise and Larry Barden
1525-F Lansdale, Charlotte, NC, 28205, 704-535-6385