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Lark Sparrow, Lark Sparrow

Hi folks,
	Friday p.m. while at the Manteo Airport checking for Upland Sandpipers I
found a Lark Sparrow over in a small field across from the NC Aquarium. Then
Sunday, Joan Kutulas and I found another Lark Sparrow on the old coast guard
station road at Pea Island. We also had a fair assortment of warblers in the
Bodie Woods sunday including a Canada Warbler! Today in the same location
there was a Chestnut-sided Warbler! Also seen over the weekend were eleven
other species of warblers, two empidonax flycatchers, 3 Kestrels, a few
Bobolinks, and plenty of Baltimore Orioles.
	Jeff Lewis
	Manteo, NC