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Shepherd Trail, Duke Forest

Hi Folks,

Spent 1 1/2 hours at the Shepherd Trail last last hoping to see the 
odd migrant. I stayed in the top "field" on the left down the gravel 
track from 751, past the picnic shelter. No warblers to report, but 
at least 20 nighthawks flew over in groups of 1 to 5, all heading WSW 
(? I did not have a compass to check this). One unlucky fellow flew 
rather low and got buzzed by one of 2 RTHB's patrolling the area! 
Also had wonderful views of a male summer tanager pititting away in a 
pine tree for almost the entire time I was there.

Summer tanager 1 male
C nighthawk 20+
Am crow 2
G catbird 1
E towhee 1 female
WB nuthatch 1
N cardinal 2
C swift 5
Blue jay 1

Also, many many starlings and C grackles heading to roost in the Deer 
Field apartments: according to friends who live there, they like the 
bamboo around the parking lots and make a tremendous noise every 
night before settling down.

Best wishes

Steve Perry

Receptor Biology Lab, Duke Uni Med Center, Durham, NC
