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Re: NAMC, Re: Alligator River CBC, dragonfly talk

Josh and other CBirders,

As the first NAMC state coordinator for both North Carolina and South
Carolina -- duties that I have thankfully pawned off onto others, I think I
can comment on this. The original idea of the North American Migration Count
was to be fun and as inclusive as possible. A continent-wide snapshot of
the bird migration on a given day (either the second Saturday in May or the
third Saturday in September) does not require intensive coverage at the
county level, though there is nothing wrong with this. Essentially we, the
state coordinators, try to get as much coverage of the entire state as
possible. This means that every county counts, and a one person count from
an otherwise non-covered county is better than no count at all. Let's try to
get as many party hours as possible, wherever you are.

I'm sure this is the way that Donna Bailey is running things in South
Carolina. I don't even know who the current state coordinator is for North
Carolina. It's enough that it's not me.

So, if you want to count anyplace in the Carolinas, just do it. Submit your
count to the county coordinator (if there is one); otherwise send it to the
state coordinator. In a pinch send it to me (preferably in an Excel
spreadsheet, but even paper will do) and I will see that it gets to the
proper person to be counted.

So, let's lighten up at bit. In some sense this is "citizen science", but
it's mostly for fun. If it's not fun, then why are you doing it?

Christmas counts are coming up soon. These are much more structured than
NAMC counts, but they are still lots of fun. Here's a heads-up. I am hoping
that the folks in Savannah will run the Savannah, GA-SC CBC again this year.
If this happens then lie, cheat, or steal, but get on that count! This area,
which includes the legendary Savannah spoil site, has the potential to be
the best count in either SC or GA. More later.

I hope to see you all at the CBC meeting in Santee, and don't forget the
Congaree Bluff Heritage Preserve hawk watch. See
http://www.columbia-audubon.org for details.

Robin Carter
Columbia, SC

----- Original Message -----
From: "Joshua Stuart Rose" <jsr6@duke.edu>
To: <carolinabirds@duke.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 6:13 PM
Subject: NAMC, Re: Alligator River CBC, dragonfly talk

> Another count-related question: I saw Donna Bailey's message recruiting
> folks to cover counties for the NAMC in South Carolina. Does somebody do
> this for North Carolina? I've already told Will that I'll help out with
> the Chatham County fall NAMC, but it sounds like most of NC - including
> Alligator River, the Outer Banks, Cape Lookout, the Blue Ridge and Great
> Smoky Mountains, Pee Dee NWR, most of the best birding spots in the state
> - don't have any NAMC coverage. It's too late to do anything about it
> this year, I guess, but I'm still curious; is Chatham the only NC county
> being covered? I would do someplace more exciting, or at least try to
> cover another Triangle county, if I had some idea to whom and how to
> submit information. Maybe next year?