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FYI Jordan Lake closures

Hi Folks,

I spoke to the Army Corps of Engineers at Jordan Lake today and was 
told that the dam area of Jordan Lake is closed to the public. I will 
be calling them back later today to check that the restriction is 
still in place for tomorrow-the dam is in my Fall count area   :o(

If you would like to phone them for further info, the number is:

JL ACE: 919 542 4501

I also spoke to the State Park office and all their sites are open. 
Furthermore,  Ginger Travis informed me that the Wildlife Resources 
Commission had confirmed all game lands will be open. However, the 
bow season has started, so we all need to be somewhat careful while 
in game land areas.

Thanks to everyone who emailed me with info for alternative sites to 
count in the dam area.


Steve Perry

Receptor Biology Lab, Duke Uni Med Center, Durham, NC
