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Brown-headed nuthatches and the usual migrants

    The best birds I have seen this weekend were a pair of Brown-headed
nuthatches at my feeders.  I only see them in the Fall and Spring here.
A trip to River Park North  yesterday produced  dozens of Redstarts,
including one adult male.  I saw a Black and White Warbler and several
N. Parulas.  A Barred Owl was calling near the river.
    This morning I walked to the Tar River west of Greenville where I
have been watching the immature Red-Headed Woodpecker.  I saw one(or
more) several different places and was finally rewarded with a view of
an adult.  I heard N. Parulas and one warbler song that was familiar
from my tapes but which I could not identify.  I couldn't see any
warblers, but the splendid cool weather, the Red-shouldered hawk and
other residents, and the beauty of the adult woodpecker made it an
exceptional morning nevertheless.

John Daughtry
Greenville, NC