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Caesar's Head Hawk Watch 9/22/01

9:00 a.m.  -  6:05 p.m.

A nice group of 11 TV's came over at 6 so we had to watch them leave before
we CRAWLED off the overlook. That brought our day's total to 893. This is
one of the hardest days we've had at the site. I even had the last two days
off . They counted around 1,160 birds yesterday. I'll post those results
when I get a copy of the report. That should bring our year's total to about
9,500. Today we had a very good variety of birds.

Broad-winged            858
America Kestrel             6
Peregrine Falcon            4
Osprey                             2
Sharp-shinned                 2
Red-shouldered               1
Red-tailed                        1
Turkey Vulture             12
Unidentified                    7

Thanks, so much to the 20+ folks helping spot these mostly high birds! Does
anybody know a masseuse that likes hawks??

God Bless Us All!

Jeff Catlin
Marietta, SC