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Evergreen Preserve, Lk. Don T. Howell birds 10/21


Birds found at Evergreen Preserve around 12:00pm included:
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Black throated blue Warbler
Field Sparrow
Song Sparrow

Joined up with Eric Harrold to bird Lk. Don T. Howell in the afternoon, from 
about 3:30-4:45

at the end of Macedonia Ch. Rd.
American Coot-150
Lesser Scaup-15

breast of the dam
Ruddy Duck-2

along Hw. 136 at the N. end
PB Grebe-7
GW Teal-15
N. Shoveler-10
N. Pintail-1
C. Snipe-5
L. Yellowlegs-1
G. Yellowlegs-2
Least Sandpiper-8
Am. Kestrel-1

Alan Kneidel
Charlotte, NC