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Falls Lake - 10/21

Hi Folks,

Went to Falls Lake today and was pleasantly surprised to find a minimal 
amount of shorebird habitat!  Went to the cove on the the Will Suitt Rd side. 
Had 1 Black-bellied  Plover, 1 Semipalmated Plover, many Killdeer, 6 Greater 
and 1 Lesser Yellowlegs,  2 Spotted Sandpipers, 3 Least S., 1 Western 
Sandpiper, 10 Pectorals, several Snipe and a dowitcher. Never heard the 
dowitcher, the distance was rather far, but I think the bird was a 
Long-billed according to plumage, shape, color, etc. It might be good if 
others can check this spot in the next couple of weeks, especially if we 
continue to have little or no rain. It is about time for the Dunlin, 
Sanderlings, to start showing up. By the way, also had a fly-over Purple 
Finch at Buckhorn, and a Red-breasted Nuthatch near there too. Later, Ricky

Ricky Davis
608 Smallwood Drive
Rocky Mount, NC 27804