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Migrating Grackles?

Carolina birders -

I just had to tell you about the most amazing experience I had today!   
We were walking in the woods near a stream in Danville, VA, when I heard 
the strangest noise.   I couldn't tell what it was, but I could tell it 
was headed our way.   The next thing I knew we were surrounded by the 
biggest flock of Common Grackles I've ever seen.  There were easily 200-
300.  They alighted in the trees all around us, cackling, cawing and 
calling like crazy.  They were being pursued - actually, herded - by two 
or three American Crows.  Apparently the Crows did not want to share 
their space with traveling friends!  The Crows constantly harassed and 
pursued them, as they flew all around where we sat.  It was the strangest 
and most amazing birding experience I've ever had.

The noise was unbelievable.  If you can, imagine being surrounded by 
hundreds of Grackles on every side, all calling at once.  When a group 
would take off, usually 50-100 at a time, you could actually hear the 
wind from their wingbeats.  It was overwhelming.

They stayed around us for a good thirty minutes before they moved on.  I 
don't think they were TOO intimidated by the Crows! 

I now have a new appreciation for our irridescent friends.   :-)


P.S.  Does anyone have any idea where they might have been going?

Toni Rexrode
Durham, NC