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Mason Farm - Purple Finch; Bobcat

Enjoyed a very birdy walk around Mason Farm today.  The best bird
sighting was a female Purple Finch.  The coolest thing of all was a
bobcat perched in a tree for several hours - quite a fascinating sight.
He did not much like being watched, but he showed no inclination to move
from his perch.

American Robins and Common Grackles were flying about in huge numbers.
White-throated Sparrows were there in force, and Song, Chipping and
Field Sparrows were also seen.  Red-shouldered, Red-tailed and
Sharp-shinned Hawks were around, as were both Vultures; many more Blacks
than Turkeys, which is unusual for me in the area.  A Winter Wren was
also hanging around.  We only saw one Yellow-rumped Warbler, amazingly

Amalie Tuffin
Durham, NC