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Harris Lake, Wake County, 11/17/01

This morning I spent several hours at Harris Lake, visiting both the 
CP&L visitor center and the Wake County park.  My primary goal was 
sparrows, but I did better on general woodland birds.  Here's the 
     pileated woodpecker--1
     red-bellied woodpecker--2
     downy woodpecker--1
     tufted titmouse--many
     Carolina chickadee--many
     brown-headed nuthatch--1
     ruby-crowned kinglet--many
     golden-crowned kinglet--many
     great-blue heron--1
     American coot--many
     pied-billed grebes--at least 4
     bluebird--at least 6
     American goldfinch--many
     song sparrow--many
     swamp sparrow--1
     white-throated sparrow--at least 6
     chipping sparrow--at least 3
     dark-eyed junco--many
     red-winged blackbird--10-12
     American crow--many

Driving from Fayetteville to Harris Lake and back added the following:
     red-tailed hawk
     mourning dove
     European starling
     rock dove

Given the lack of rainfall in recent weeks, the weedy fields that I 
checked for other sparrows were virtually birdless.

Robert C. Perkins, Ph.D.
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Methodist College, Fayetteville, NC 28311
910-630-7037     rperkins@methodist.edu