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November 26 Chapel Hill Bird Club


I'm writing to invite you to the Chapel Hill Bird Club meeting on
Monday, November 26. We'll be traveling again this month, this time to
Australia. Patrick Coin will present the program "Wattles to Wallabies,"
a tour of Australian ecosystems and wildlife. Some of you will notice
Patrick's name from Carolinabirds or as the New Hope Audubon field trip
leader and webmaster. He is trained in environmental health, but his
true passion is natural history. Patrick teaches at Durham Technical
Community College. You can see some of his photographic work at:

The meeting starts at 7:30 pm at Binkley Baptist Church on Willow Drive
at 15/501 in Chapel Hill, near University Mall. Come early for
refreshments and bird talk at 7:15 pm.

We don't meet in December, but our first three programs of the new year
will be local birders and topics with Brian Bockhahn, Mike Tove, and
Mark Johns.

Happy Thanksgiving and happy birding!! Karen Bearden
Raleigh, NC