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Mattamuskeet birds/Nov.26(Mon.)&27(Tue)


I didn't post this earlier because I wasn't sure of interest, but since
people are going there  I will post my belated bird news from there.

The White Pelicans were seen Tuesday (a week ago) by a birder, not me.

I was at the Lake Landing area, the 26th, before dusk until dark.  The only
owl was a readily observed immature Great Horned Owl, making squawks for
food constantly.  He was full-sized and  fully plumaged. The next AM I came
back before dawn and I heard only an adult hooting.  NO Long-eared Owl.

I observed from the dike that is parallel to the  Wildlife Drive and about
200 hundred yards from the road a Black Rail.  It 's a toss-up as to who was
more surprised when he popped out of the thick grasses.  He beat a hasty
retreat.  This dike is to the right of  the old blind.  There was also an
Orange-crowned warbler in that area with a lot of sparrows, which were all
common species.

On the northern side of the lake on the dried up flats near the little
cypresses to the east of the highway that cuts through the lake,  I found a
cock Ring-necked pheasant and a Chukar.  I'm sure they were both escapes
from the nearby private game hunting clubs' lands.  I must say seeing the
chukar was a big surprise anyway.

The second day I was there the fog just didn't want to lift.  I once again
didn't spend much time going over all the birds one can see from the

  Saw a lone male Redhead (duck) from the end of the trail that leads down
from the old lodge which is closed again.  This has a lot of sparrows and of
course there are tons of birds as you get to the lake.

The big Snow Goose flock (hundreds) happened to be flying over Rt. 264 and
my car somewhere between Holland and Englehardt in early afternoon.

 I stayed at the Gator Hole Lodge in Middletown, but Gator may have closed
already as he winters in Florida.  I had never seen his place before.  Some
of the rooms are actually over water.  The proprietor mentioned that the
flock of Snow Geese usually heads for the lake from the fields at a
different time than when I saw them.

Re my backyard.  After the cold front came through, along about 11  AM
yesterday my trees were teaming with birds.  Alas nothing unusual...lots of
yellow-rumpeds, both kinglets and 2 Blue-gray gnatcatchers.  This AM a young
male (had to be) Hermit Thrush was practicing his arpeggios, badly.

Normal numbers of L.Scaups, Widgeons, Gadwalls, Ring-neckeds, only a few
coots and Green-winged teal and about 20+ Woodies off the lot in the Lake
(Medcalf).  And the usual waders.

Good Birding:
Mary McDavit, Sunset Lakes NC