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Surf Scoters on Lookout Shoals Lake

I check the local boat access this afternoon and found 3 male(2 mature & 1
immature) Surf Scoters on Lookout Shoals Lake. they were with 10 Lesser
Scaup and 1 Red-breasted Merganser.  I got one photo good enough to put on
the web.  Here is the URL if you like to see it.
http://www.geocities.com/foothillsbirdclub/surfscoter.html  At Oxford access
on Lake Hickory,  I found 2 Hooded Mergansers, 1 Common Loon, 75+
Ring-billed Gulls 150+ Bonaparte's Gulls and 1 Herring Gull.

Dwayne & Lori Martin
Foothills Bird Club
Claremont, NC