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wintering Prairie Warblers; Ivory-billed novel

Hi Carolinabirders,

Through Bob Parcelles' website Nature Potpourri, I just discovered a 
novel - fiction, alas - entitled "Ivory Hunters" about a tracker who 
finds an Ivory-billed Woodpecker in the Big Cypress National Monument in 
south Florida. The review is posted at 
It gets better. The author of this novel is, believe it or not, the vet 
at the NCSU vet school who treats my pet Blue-tongued Skinks when they 
get sick: Dr. Greg Lewbart! I had no idea his career included fiction 
writing. It looks like the book was published in 1996. Any of you Ivory- 
billed junkies (hi Rob G) know this book?

On Sun, 9 Dec 2001, Steven Tracey wrote:
> Spent the morning at HBSP yesterday; beautiful day, good birding.
> Highlights included purple sandpipers, a visual on a Clapper Rail and a
> Prairie Warbler.  I'm curious if anyone else has been seeing Prairie
> Warblers there this time of year, I was surprised to see one.

I've never seen one in winter north of Florida. However, the CBC maps 
available through
indicate that the species does occur all along the SC coast and even into 
southeastern NC in winter.

Good birding,


Joshua S. Rose
Duke University
Department of Biology (Zoology, R.I.P.)
