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Christmas birds


Today is the first day of winter and it feels like it outside! With
colder weather the birds reappeared at our feeders today. It's always a
treat to see the bluebirds return and become regulars at this time of
year. A Golden-crowned Kinglet flew towards me as I was talking to her.
Yellow-rumps and White-thoated Sparrows were here too, along with Downy
Woodpecker, titmouse, cardinal, Brown Thrasher, mockingbird, and my
favorite feeder bird, chickadees.

Tomorrow Joe and I are on our way to Orlando, FL for a family Christmas.
I have Robin Carter's article in "Birding" packed so we can stop on the
way up and down to bird at Santee NWR, etc. I'm looking forward to
birding at Merritt Island NWR in FL. We used to make an annual visit
each winter when we lived in FL. Now we go to the Outer Banks instead!
Looking forward to the CBC meeting in Nagshead next month.

Happy holidays to everyone!! What will be your first bird of the New

Happy birding! Karen Bearden
Raleigh, NC