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Christmas Bird Count, Pea Island, 2001

The 2001 Pea Island Christmas Bird Count had lower than normal people
participation than in recent years. The weather was typical for this
time of the year...highs in the 50's, winds westerly, peaking at about
20 knots, no precipitation.

The more interesting birds seen included an adult Black-tailed Gull and
a Common Redpoll.

The gull, found and carefully described by Paul Sykes, was seen sitting
on the beach east of the old refuge manager's residence at 7:30 AM, on
28 December, 2001. It was in a mixed flock of Ring-billed, Herring and
Great Black-backed Gulls totaling no more than 35-40 birds. The entire
flock was soon spooked by 2 people and the Black-tailed Gull was not
re-located during the day.

The Common Redpoll was first noted by it's flight call and soon found,
feeding on the dried seeds of an aster along the dike road on the back
side (the sound side) of New Field, approximately 300 yards south of the
observation tower in the SW corner of North Pond. Those who might
attempt to search for the Redpoll are advised that this area is normally

Wayne Irvin
145 Riding Lane
Southern Pines, NC