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snow feeding

Hi folks,

I got up this am to top up the feeders and discovered more birds 
fighting over them than I have ever seen before! It was great to see 
the red-bellied WP back after a long period of absence (since the 
wooded plot opposite my apt. got "developed"). Also a C wren, b 
thrasher, a dozen juncos, house finches, goldfinches, cardinals, song 
and WT sparrows, BJ's, mourning doves, titmice, chickadees. In total 
I'd estimate there were over 60 birds all crowding into my 8'x15' 
"yard". Unfortunately, I live close enough to Duke that I can walk to 
work, otherwise I'd have spent the entire day watching the squabbling 
from the comfort of my couch!

Quick Q:

I was glancing at the rare bird alerts for other states and noticed a 
great tit was visiting a feeder in Wisconsin. This made me feel a 
little nostalgic (for great tits, not Wisconsin) and also set me 
thinking about European vagrants to NC. Is there a complete list of 
all vagrant/accidentals for NC that I can look at on the web?

All the best, and keep those feeders brimming over!

Steve Perry

Receptor Biology Lab, Duke Uni Med Center, Durham, NC
