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Re: Time for a new list! and Tundra Swans

Since Steve asked, I'll relate that my year list topped out at 419.  First
bird was a Mourning Dove and last was the Calliope Hummingbird in W-S.  The
NC year list closed out at 252.  I'm especially happy that my personal
statistic of how the birding year went (ratio of birds seen during the year
to the total number on my life list) was 80%.  I figure any year that I get
more than 75% was a good one.

The 5 Tundra Swans recently missing from the West Lake ponds have returned.
They looked quite beautiful, but slightly perplexed, in the snow this
morning.  They probably thought they left this behind in Alaska.

Back at the house the Killdeer have taken to hanging out in the ruts on the
road; the only snow-free area they can find.  I put some meal worms out for
them.  Don't know if they will dine on 'em or not.  We received 6" of snow
overnight with another few inches supposedly on the way.

Have a great day!
Steve Shultz
Snowy Apex. NC