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What a day in my Loris, Sc backyard!
Bluebirds 4
Towhee Male and female
Carolina wren 1
Many sparrows not identified
Many juncos
Cardinals 20
Nuthatches 2
Mockingbirds 2
Titmouse 2
Goldfinches 6
One yellow bird not identified but similar to vireos
Many finches
Brown thrasher 6
Fox sparrow 1
Chickadee 2
Morning doves 5
Flickers 4
Downy  Male and female
Red-bellied 2 Male and female
 1 Male and 1 female Pilated woodpeckers
They were so big and breath-taking.They went to
several trees searching =
for food under the bark near the groundlevel of the
trees.A rare sight =
in my back yard.
Phyllis Williams
Loris, SC

What if birds were watching us like we do them? Could we be classified? What would their observation data say?
Smile -you're on Bird's Eye View!

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