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Snow and birds

      I got out this morning before sunrise and put out a new feeder.  At
the same time, I scattered sunflower seed on the snow.  During the day I
put out more seed twice.  Needless to say I had plenty of activity, with
19 species showing up.  House finches and juncos were the most numerous,
but I had some interesting groups.  Five brown-headed nuthatches mobbed
the suet basket.  Goldfinches were more plentiful than they've been for
months.  A flock of 7 red-winged blackbirds landed long enough to
investigate the seed on the ground.  A ruby-crowned kinglet visited the
suet frequently, as did a pine warbler.  No irruption year birds appeared
and no downy woodpeckers.  The ones that used to live in our neighborhood
have apparently departed for good.

Robert C. Perkins, Ph.D.
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Methodist College, Fayetteville, NC 28311
910-630-7037     rperkins@methodist.edu