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Snow "Yard Birds"

Here are the highest numbers I  recorded the past 2 days in my yard ( LARGE 
YARD - 3 acres)
The highest counts came yesterday about 4 pm. Most birds within 50 yards of 
I need to charge admission :-)   ( Would help pay for all the seed)

Today was noticeably quieter.

Juncos - ~ 110
White Throat Sparrow - 44
Mourning Dove - 27
Chipping Sparrow - 18
N. Cardinal - 14
Fox Sparrow - 3
Goldfinch - ~ 55
Song Sparrow - 19
House Finch - 6
Purple Finch - 5
Pine Warbler - 3
Field Sparrow - 4
Blue Jay - 6
C. Chickadee - 4
C. Wren - 3
Tufted Titmouse - 5
Downy Wp - 5
Red Bellied Wp - 2
Sapsucker - 1
Wh Beasted Nuthatch - 3
Brown Headed Nuthatch - 2
Mockingbird - 1
Ruby Crown Kinglet - 1
Gold Cr Kinglet - 2
Brown Thrasher - 1
E. Bluebird - 3

Brian T. Murphy   www.mindspring.com/~brmurphy
Science Dept.
Millbrook High School    http://mhs.wcpss.net
         AP Environmental Science   http://mhs.wcpss.net/Murphy/apes/
           Physical Science  http://mhs.wcpss.net/Murphy/PhysicalScience/
Raleigh, NC, US