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cardinal mystery

We may as a group have discused this mystery before but I dont remember
the answer so I will ask again. This mornign I noticed a persistent
tapping on one of the bedroom windows and since it was a bit windy assumed
that it was the wind tossing a twig at the pane. When it persisted for
hours I finally looked out to see a female cardinal flying deliberately
into the window and then flying back to a perch on a dogwood tree. I did
not want it hurting itself so the next time it didi this I stuck my head
into the window and shooed it away loudly. It flew off but a few minutes
later was back again and I shooed it out once more. Sadly I returned home
this morning to find it lying dead and curled up on the porch. Do
cardinals see their reflections and attack them out of a sense of
territoriality? if so I am puzzled that it should be a female in the
non-breeding season. Can anyone shed light on the mystery?

Lecturer in Urdu-Hindi & Indian Literature
University of N. Carolina, Chapel Hill
Curriculum in Asian Studies
Alumni Hall 413C
Chapel Hill, N.C. 27599
