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green-tailed towhee


One of the great things about being in my homestretch semester is that I do 
not have class on Tuesdays.  Later, this free day will come in handy for 
pursuing school or work-related activities, but today I went birding.

I met Gene Howe just as he finished putting out seed for the green-tailed 
towhee and his supporting cast of hundreds.  A half hour after Gene left, the 
bird hopped into view for several minutes.  This was about 10:10.

I set up my camera and waited with my eye glued to the viewfinder for as long 
as I could take it (about an hour and a half).  I left just before noon 
without seeing the towhee again.  If there is a lesson here, it is arrive 

Hal Broadfoot
Buies Creek, NC