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Good afternoon gang,

My wife and I are very much into primitive survival skills.  I know I know,
this isn't about birds, but bear with me here.  Practicing these skills
brings us to an incredible "oneness" with nature as well as with ourselves.
I don't believe nature is the only path one can follow to self realization,
but it is a great one indeed and definitely the right one for me.  Knowing
the trees and the uses for them, knowing the plants and the uses for them,
being able to get information from an animal track in the ground, and
knowing the birds and what their calls/songs are telling you brings you to
an incredible awareness of what is going on in the forest around you as well
as it brings you to a wonderful awareness of the present... it helps you
live in the now so to speak.  

The reason I mention this is because knowing the birds is a huge part of it.
The birds tell you everything that's going on in the forest.  They tell you
if a fox is stalking nearby, they tell you if an owl is in the area, they
tell you that everything is safe at the moment, and most of all they tell
you when other people are coming.  I don't know if a lot of people on this
list already know this or not, but it's pretty crazy stuff when you start to
understand it and especially when you start to experience it.  But I thought
some here may find it interesting and may want to start to see (hear) it

If so, here are some tapes that will help you out.  The first set is not
based solely on the bird language, it's more about seeing the land in the
same manner as native americans did and natives of other ancient cultures.
It's knowledge that's been around forever really, we've just become so
removed from our earth that we don't understand it anymore.  The 6th tape in
the series though is completely on the bird language, it's worth checking
out.  The set is called "Seeing Through Native Eyes" , it's the third item
down on this the webpage below.  Then there is the "Advanced Bird Language"
set, which is the second item down on the webpage.  I haven't received my
copy of this set yet, so I can't tell you just how advanced it is.  I am
quite familiar with Jon Young, the speaker on the tapes, though.  He's been
training naturalists how to train other naturalists for years, his knowledge
of nature is pretty incredible.  Here's the page:

Just thought I'd pass that along.  Don't know if anyone here would really be
interested or not, but I do know many here love to learn more about birds
and these tapes will surely raise points you may not have given thought to

Craig Armstrong
Chapel Hill NC