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Southport Towhee missing on Tuesday

Hi Carolinabirders:
Fortunately, the weather was nice for my day's vigil at the Green-tailed 
Towhee site near Southport. Clear, cloudless sky with temp in the mid to high 

I arrived at the Shepard Road site around 8:15 and was joined 30 minutes 
later by Greg Massey--who had originally discovered the bird on the Southport 
CBC earlier this month. The seed pile that had been established and 
replenished by visiting birders was a magnet, drawing in dozens of birds who 
would come in in waves to feed. Among the more unusual species we noted were 
a continuing Gray Catbird, a Brown Thrasher, and a brief visit by a Fox 
Sparrow. At least one Lincoln's Sparrow was seen. 

House Finches--of course--were numerous, but there were also plenty of 
White-crowned Sparrows, White-throated Sparrows, Song Sparrows,  Painted 
Buntings (four in one binocular view), Swamp Sparrows, American Goldfinches 
and a fast moving Troglodyte--probably House Wren. 

I had to leave--motel checkout--a bit before 11, but returned for another 
hour from 11:30-12:30. Still no towhee. Then a lunch break--I recommend Thai 
Peppers, downtown on Moore Street for good variety and good prices. The 
kitchen seemed overwhelmed so service was a bit slow. 

My wife and I returned to the site for a final hour at 2 pm. Had the bird 
showed and had I a camera, the lighting was excellent then.

I left a couple of pounds of mixed seed. Previous seed bags had been 
discovered by the resident rats, but had not been decimated. Anyone going to 
visit the site might consider bringing a can with a top as a seed container.

The local residents who travel Shepard Road are curious about why we are 
there. A couple of trucks stopped and asked Greg and me what we were looking 
for. The reactions were favorable. 

Hope any of you who venture there have better luck than I. At least let's 
hope the bird sticks around so I can make another attempt.

Bill Sugg