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Sandhill Crane

Hi All,
I  returned to the Four Season' s Marsh about 7:50 this AM (Sun.) & I
didn't see the crane. There was a Great Blue Heron
in the same area but that is not what I saw. Sorry for those that may
have gone to see it after 7.50 & didn't see it.  Thanks to Marilyn that
saw it around 7:20 AM (Sun.)  Hope some others may have stopped by
earlier & saw it.
After rereading my posting last night  It could be misleading. I
indicated that at first I thought it looked like a crane but thought it
may be a Great Blue Heron &  and got my scope out & sure enough it was,
meaning the crane & not the heron.
-Good birding to all.

Ben & Carol Ringer
Hendersonville, NC