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Dare to compare

January is the month when a subspecies of birders known as listers compile 
their bird lists and send them to the American Birding Association for 

Some of the more compulsive list-addicts aren't satisfied with just having 
lists for each state they've birded, but also keep lists for each county in 
their favorite state(s).  So far North Carolina is behind the curve, with no 
organized county listers, but South Carolina and Georgia have great websites 
for the game:

County Birders of South Carolina:

County Listers Anonymous of Georgia:
(amazing, considering the number of counties in the state)

Though there's no organization for N.C. (and I'm not volunteering), some of 
us keep a few county lists.  For Triangle-area birders, the Chapel Hill Bird 
Club newsletter will be publishing local listers' lists soon, so if you want 
to contribute yours, please send them to newsletter editor Ginger Travis at 
Ginger@athena.dev.unc.edu (you need not be a member to contribute).  You can 
send in any type of list - I just sent her my world, ABA area, NC, Triangle 
area, and 5 county life lists, but you can also send in yard, year, or 
whatever else you keep track of.

The Triangle area is defined as all of Chatham, Durham, Orange, and Wake 
counties, plus parts of the Falls Lake area that are in Granville Co.

For the record, last night I figured out my Dare County list for the first 
time - 276 species as of 12/31/01 (including pelagics seen well offshore).  
Anyone else dare to compare Dare?  I bet some of the NC 400 club are over 
300 for Dare County...

Charles W. "Will" Cook                  w 919-660-7423
http://www.duke.edu/~cwcook            cwcook@duke.edu
Biology Dept., Duke Univ., Box 90340, Durham, NC 27708