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GT Towhee, Saturday AM, Yes!

Clyde Sorenson, Eric Sorenson and I drove down from the Triangle and 
arrived at the site at 8:05, Sat Feb 2.  The G-T Towhee rewarded us with 
its first appearance at 8:33.  It was in sight and in the open pretty 
regularly for the next 30 minutes when we left for Ft. Fisher.

Pretty bird.  Worth the chase, and the 4:30 a.m. alarm in Bahama to meet 
the time table.

The other birds  were as other have named.

The trip to Ft. Fisher was nice.  Highlights include Bald Eagle, Osprey, 
Hudsonian Godwit (3), about 25 Am. Oyster Catchers on the jetty,  Red 
Throated loon (3).

We missed the Eurasian Wigeon in Wilmington.


Tom Krakauer
Bahama, Durham County, NC