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Question on Hawk Behavior

First, I enjoy reading all your inputs.  Second, I am just a "backyard, amateur"
birder that's learning and growing the more I read and working on making my yard
more bird friendly, not only to my hummer jewels but to all other birds conducive
to our area.  Question I have is, this past week, I saw a "pair" of  what I
believe to be is red-tailed hawks adjacent to our back yard.  Since hawks frequent
our yard, I am trying to learn more about them.  We again saw the pair this am and
headed out in car to get closer to them since they were across the back field near
the elementary school.  Were able to observe them, a male and female.  Female
definitely larger.  Leaning toward red-tailed.  But, question is, is this the time
of year that they generally hook up with their mate?  And, when do they build
their nest?  Etc.  Also, do hawks keep a lifetime mate like some other species?
Any info you can provide is appreciated.  Also, what is their success rate in
catching a bird?  I've noticed more misses than hits in our yard.

Hope you all don't mind me asking and I thank you all in advance for any input.
Please e-mail me directly so as not to tie up Carolina Birds with my trivia
questions.  Thanks.

Paulette Biles
Hampstead, NC