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Re: W-S Calliope Hummer (NC bird species #299)


My SC # 300 was White-winged Dove at my feeder, with photo published in
American Birds.
That worked for me. Good luck.

Steve Compton
----- Original Message -----
From: "Joshua Stuart Rose" <jsr6@duke.edu>
To: <carolinabirds@duke.edu>
Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2002 12:54 PM
Subject: W-S Calliope Hummer (NC bird species #299)

> Hi Carolinabirders,
> After I forwarded directions to them, Brian Pendergraft and his friend
> Matt were kind enough to drop by and pick me up at 7 this morning en route
> from Raleigh, and we headed to Winston-Salem and Charles Williams' house.
> According to Mr. Williams, the hummer is getting a bit less predictable
> lately. However, it showed up eventually! We arrived there around 8:30 AM,
> the bird joined us at 9:09. We were a little concerned that the hummer
> looked too big for a Calliope, but size was, as usual, misleading; with
> Brian's scope I saw one bright rosy little gorget feather in the corner of
> his throat, and we all noted the short tail that ended at just about the
> same spot as the wing tips. The critter fed twice in about five minutes,
> then vanished, and had not yet returned by the time we decided to leave
> half an hour later (9:40).
> The Williams' yard was very birdy in general. They had a big, berry-laden
> American Holly in their front yard that was driving the robins and
> waxwings crazy. A couple of goldfinches attempted to drink from one of
> their hummer feeders. Plenty of woodpeckers, sparrows, and various other
> normal winter residents.
> That's my 299th North Carolina bird species! Now, where to look for #300?
> California or Iceland Gull would work, but somehow don't thrill me quite
> as much as a "milestone bird" ought to... Anybody out there got a Western
> Tanager at their feeder?
> Good birding,
> Josh
> Joshua S. Rose
> Duke University
> Department of Biology (Zoology, R.I.P.)
> jsr6@duke.edu
> http://www.duke.edu/~jsr6/