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NC Audubon & Nesting Herons

Hello Carolinabirders,

Congratulations to Chris Canfield and the National Audubon Society-NC staff for
the excellent program they organized in celebration of 100 years of Audubon in
NC.  Not only was the program enlightening from the historical prospective, but
it presented food for thought on where Audubon and our favorite birding sites
will be 100 years from now - definitely a challenge for all birders, Audubon
members or not!

Thanks and congratulations to Karen Bearden for pulling together another
wonderful birding resource - this time for North Carolina State Parks.  I know
this is going to be a great asset not only for NC residents but also for our
neighboring states and other visitors.  Better get your copy of this best seller
before it sells out!

Lastly, move over Greenview Pond, the north Raleigh Great Blue Heron colony is
on the way!  For the second year, a pair of Great Blue Herons are building a
nest in the wetland at the corner of Raleigh and Crabtree Boulevards.  The Wake
Audubon Bagels & Birding participants had great views of the nest building on
Saturday morning because it is right by the street and sidewalk.  It's possible
that two nests are underway - the second pair seemed to be reluctant to continue
their work with us watching but they were definitely contemplating something and
had several sticks already in place.  For some reason, the nests and the birds
do not look they're made for each other - Mother Nature is fascinating.

In addition, one of the Red Shouldered Hawks was also perched on the nest they
have used for the last several years.

Yes, love is in the air ...

Happy birding,

Lena Gallitano
Raleigh, NC