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Shrike and a tank!


Today I went butterflying in the Richmond County section of the Sandhills 
Gamelands. I ventured down the wrong road and saw a sigh that the road 
wasn`t open to though traffic due to Fort Bragg. Well in this large open 
field I was looking from the truck at wild plums and a Northern Shrike in 
the top of them chasing about and didn`t see the "No Trespassing Federal 
Property" sign, I drove part way down a snad track and parked the truck 
just before the top of a hill. I walked towards a wild plum mass and saw a 
greenish ofject, checked with binoc and saw a big green tank with its main 
gun pointed right at me. I high tailed it out of there and then saw the 
sign! Didn`t see any movement around the tank, but wasn`t sticking around 
to see if anyone was around! Be extra careful if you go out there no days! 
i did see 8 species of butterflies and a Hermit Thrush. Field Sparrows were 
calling everywhere I went too!

Randy Emmitt
Rougemont, NC

Randy Emmitt Photography
Carolina Butterfly Society webmaster