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general report

have been "reading" in and have several observations I have noticed in my
driving around; Am.Kestrels have been common although their numbers appear
to be dropping off a bit, perhaps moving off the phone lines to other
places, I have seen a wild turkey just off I40 in the past few weeks,
several kettles of TV and BV mixed and some just Black.  Yesterday while
building at Hab of Hum in Efland, several Black Vultures flew low down and
in a higher kettle, a red shouldered hawk overhead also, 2 red shldered
hawks courting over my house, many Red tailed Hawks along I 40 ,
unfortunately some appeared to have misjudged quarry and cars coming, out on
the dead end.  Always sad as it is my favorite bird.  I have a thrasher
eating suet in my yard from the feeder yesterday which is a first for me.
Birds /squirrels got so mad at me for not filling feeders yesterday they
threw one on the ground.  As alwyas I enjoy the many comments and learning
opprtunities provided by cbirds.  thanks to all and to Will.  Barb Brooks
Hillsborough.  nc  brooksba@mindspring.com