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Hello Bird Lovers,

I just have to share my delight for the day.  First of all a wild female
turkey has been frequenting our bird area again this year and she is
absolutely beautiful in the sunlight.  Last year she had 13 young!  

I put my Angora cat's hair in an onion mesh bag and hung it on the
honeysuckle near the dining room window.  It is so adorable to see the
hyper chickadees pulling hair out, filling their little beaks full and
flying to a nearby 8' stump where they have cleaned out the hole.  In
they go with a mouthfull and out they come to get more.  They cleaned
alot of chips out of the hole last week.  

I always put the clean cat hair out every year even into the summer and
the hummingbirds will come and get it.  We don't have a good way to take
pictures or I could post some good ones.  

I'm enjoying the Spring antics of the birds and am sure you are, too.

Bev Hudson
Hendersonville, NC