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crazy cowbird

Tomm's mention of the cowbirds' return reminded me of one we call Larry
(after the famous Bird)  For the third year in a row he has arrived and
spends most of his day on the slanted metal rod that goes from my window
sill to a hanging feeder.  He lands on the top of the slant, slides down,
fluffs his wings and does the little cowbird courtship bow, makes a cowbird
call, and then goes right back up to the top of the rod and does the whole
thing over and over all day.  He occasionally hops to the nearby millet
feeder and eats and will fly away if I shoo him, but  he always comes back.
I'm assuming it's the same cowbird each year because of the behavior, but
he's not banded or anything.  I'm also assuming he's looking at his
reflection, but I have tried various things that are supposed to block
reflections and they don't seem to phase him.  Even when there are other
cowbirds feeding  on the ground he stays up on the second story with his
'friend'.  Any thoughts?

Bruce Krucke
Yonges Island, SC