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Fw: Peregrine Falcon

I pass this along to alert folks to the possible presence of a Peregrine
Falcon along Rosewood Drive in Columbia, SC. This is of some interest to me
since about the only peregrine that I have even seen in the city of Columbia
was along Rosewood Drive about 10 years ago. This area is fairly near the
football stadium, and has LOTS of Rock Doves -- plenty for an urban
peregrine to chow down on, and also a possible artificial cliff to hang out
on. This area is also only a mile or so south of downtown, where peregrines
have been reported in the past, hunting from what pass as tall buildings in
our small city.

Robin Carter
Columbia, SC

----- Original Message -----
From: <GlendaRae@aol.com>
To: <rcarter@sc.rr.com>
Sent: Monday, April 08, 2002 9:45 AM
Subject: Peregrine Falcon

> Hi Robin,
> You probably don't remember me but I have been in your group on a couple
> birding trips in the past. Last night while visiting a friend off of
> Drive in Columbia, we spotted what had to be a peregrine falcon swoop down
> and attempt to take a mouring dove from overhead electic wires. After a
> of an acrobatic display, the bird zoomed off. We didn't get a great look
> it because it was about dark, but the wing pattern appeared unmistakable.
> friend, who has not done much birding per se but is an avid outdoorsman,
> he saw this same bird about two weeks ago. He thought it was a falcon when
> first saw it. However, in looking through my birds books on the
> of this bird,  it seems unlikely that it was a falcon. What do you think?
> Thanks for your time.  Glenda Swearingen